5 Free Ways To Market Your Beauty Business

Learn how to create a clear brand identity and how to use it consistently to speak to your ideal clients to increase their sense of loyalty to your brand.




This free masterclass will teach you how to master the new marketing techniques you need to start growing your beauty business.

Understand Who Your Ideal Clients Are

When you have a clear understanding of who you want to serve, you can better position your marketing for your services in front of your ideal clients.

Become Visible + SEO Friendly

The more platforms your business is listed on the more “searchable” your business becomes.

Client Growth

Incentivizing current clientele - no matter how big or small is a LAND MINE. 

Establish A Partnership

Learn how to build relationship with other brick and mortar businesses in your local area.

Visual Branding + Social Media Marketing

Creating a visual brand and establishing your brand on social media is imperative, especially in today’s world.

BONUS - Becoming Booked Solid

Get messy! How to do pre-booking, adding on, and client outreach.


Five years ago, I started my own waxing business out of a studio in Los Angeles, where I created a multi 6-figure business in my first year. I have since then rebranded, hired a team and am currently working on franchising my business model.

Even with my company's incredible growth, something still felt...missing. I missed helping other estheticians make money, while loving what they do. I started this coaching sector of my company to share tips and tricks with others ready to take a leap—and mentor them into the life of their dreams.


5 Free Ways To Market Your Beauty Business

Learn how to create a clear brand identity and how to use it consistently to speak to your ideal clients to increase their sense of loyalty to your brand.